I-VOL is the national searchable database of volunteering opportunities in Ireland and is owned, managed and administered by Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres and Volunteer Information Services in Ireland.
Please complete the form to register your organisation on I-VOL. Once you register your organisation and we have established that your organisation is not for profit and agrees to abide by our terms and conditions, you will receive an email with more information and your password/key allowing you to upload your volunteer opportunities onto I-VOL.
In order to register your volunteering opportunity/ies with us, your organisation must be already registered on I-VOL. Click here if you are not already registered. In order to proceed, you will need your key/password that was provided to you on your initial registration. If you do not know this, you can use the retrieve key function.
Community Volunteers is a pilot programme that gives organisations a chance to engage enthusiastic, trained volunteers in local events and in times of more urgent need.
The programme will see Volunteer Centres recruit, interview, and train a group of local volunteers in Urgent Community Support and Event Volunteering best practice.
Organisations can request their local Community Volunteers to support at events or initiatives.
Organisations can also request support from Community Volunteers at shorter notice when urgent needs arise in the community.